About HKJ

Modular synth performer in Tokyo / Japan.


It took me almost 5 years but I finally published my 2013 album ‘Cumulus’ on Spotify.

Check it out via the link below for some all-modular bliss :).

Cumulus by Halt! Run!

Powwow Tokyo no.8 Video available now

The video from the Powwow Tokyo live streaming event last week is now up on YouTube. Check it out on the link below and be sure to check out the other performances as well!

Powwow Tokyo no 8 – Video on YT

This was the first Halt! Run! live, and the first live patch on my new modular (remember, I sold cumulus machine wile living in Sweden), so naturally it was full of interesting ‘learnings’ :).

I’ll summarise and share in a later post.

Live in April


I will perform a live session with the modular synth in Tokyo under the new alias Halt! Run! in April.

Details will be shared as we get closer, but all will be recorded and shared afterwards.

Onwards and Upwards!

Introducing ‘Halt! Run!’, a new platform for my modular noodling.

What’s going on here?

To be honest it’s not particularly deep. I’ve been using the Glitzerstrahl moniker for the past 6 years for everything from blogging and music production to design works and installations.

Also, to mark an important return to my own roots (however shallow they may be) in modular synthesis I felt like I wanted to make a fresh new start.

Thus, going forward I will use the new platform

Halt! Run!

to cover all modular music, videos and live events.

You can read more about this project at the new Halt! Run! website.

Spectral Clouds…

Mutable Instruments Clouds is now officially out of production so I was really excited when Five G told me they had a demo ex in the store.

I picked it up off the bat and brought it home to the rack, excited to add some granular textures to my new Mantis rack.

However no matter how hard I tried to make sense of the controls, trying different types of sources and settings, I couldn’t get it to create anything but completely smeared out blur.

It wasn’t until I discovered that someone in the store had flipped it to the ‘hidden’ spectral processing mode that things finally started to make sense. Flipped it back to Granular and now all is game again! 👍👍

The moral of the story is that if you buy used or demoed modules make sure to check what Firmware and Settings/Mode they come loaded with!